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Monday, November 25, 2019

Ezekiel 1 Not a UFO but a Cherubium

Vision of  the Cherubim: Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot. And they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus (Ezekiel 1:7-8 ESV) As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face.The four had the face of a lion on the right side,the four had the face of an ox on the left side,and the four had the face of an eagle.(Ezekiel 1:10 ESV)

It is amazing that so many Christians think Ezekiel saw a UFO when in fact He saw Cherubim as the Bible clearly says in Ezekiel 1.

What is interesting too as Chuck Smith spoke of this that satan is a cherub - and the Bible talks of him as being the prince of the power of the air. - Also remember he took 1/3 of angels with him in his revolt. I don't believe in UFO's I believe that the demonic forces are using a great deception so when the rapture of the church happens he will have them believe it was UFO's .

Now, getting back to what Ezekiel saw.. I am sure it was of such splender it was hard to describe but Ezekiel shared in detail what he saw. Further if you go to the Book of Revelation you will hear more about the Cheribum which look like the ones Ezekiel saw. I believe it is Revelation 4
Mark 4:22 “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.” Continued on from my first blog here.. So……&#8…

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